DMEHosting is considered an old brand. It was founded in 2007. Good VPS Group introduced it in 2011. The price is quite satisfactory and the data center is not popular, so it has not been used much. focus on. The host provider provides products based on OpenVZ and KVM architecture. The data centers include the United States Seattle and Denver, Scranton, etc. Based on the configuration, he divided the products into regular packages, large memory packages and unlimited traffic packages.

Let’s take the regular lowest package as an example. The monthly payment is only US$3.95 and there are three data centers to choose from.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 512MB

vSWAP: 512MB

Hard drive: 25GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 1TB/100Mbps

Virtual architecture: OpenVZ

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM

Test IP: (Chicago) (New York)

【Purchase link】

The host payment provided by DMEHosting is activated immediately. It now uses the SolusVM panel (it seems not true from the original article). TUN/PPP can be opened directly in the panel. It seems to also support RDNS services. I have requested a test IP via email to see where his Seattle computer room is.


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