I heard rumors from some friends that the next version of WordPress 3.2 requires a minimum PHP version of 5.2.4. However, the PHP version automatically installed by my DA panel is currently the most stable 5.2.17 because of space For myself and for friends, most of them are used for personal blogs, and most of them use wordpress. Therefore, these days, I have been looking for information on DA upgrading the PHP version.
I spent some time searching online. I also used the build of DA to upgrade once the night before, but failed to upgrade. However, I finally upgraded successfully today. It turns out that there is a setting that has not been changed in the last upgrade. Here, I will record the upgrade process. On the one hand, I can find it when I need it. On the other hand, it will also be convenient for friends who are looking for information in this area.
Before the upgrade process, I must first thank the military brother of LNMP! My normal upgrade is entirely due to this hero! Because after the upgrade failed the day before yesterday, I posted a message to the VPS Detective Agency for help, and he replied with the method, so that I could upgrade perfectly!
First, we enter the custombuild directory:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild/

Then, edit options.conf:
vi options.conf
set clean=yes , php5_ver=5.3
Then, start the upgrade process:

./build clean
./build update
./build all y

Finally, don’t forget to restart httpd:

service httpd restart

The upgrade time varies depending on the configuration of the VPS. My VIRPUS is completed in about 20-30 minutes. The final probe shows that PHP has been upgraded to the latest 5.3.6.
[Update] In fact, I have always wanted to update this article. This article was written earlier in 2011. It was a cognitive error. It was really too young at the time. I would even think that 5.2.4 >5.2.17, I didn’t even know that the last .17 was seventeen, and it has not been changed. I wanted to leave it as a memory for myself, and at the same time let everyone know that a good VPS is actually a real novice.
Share a simple upgrade method:
cd /usr/local/directadmin/custombuild
./build set php5_ver 5.3
./build update
./build php n

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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