【Latest update】For the latest system skin Chinese package, please see the last updated content.
The day before yesterday we talked about the installation process of DA panel , but since DA panel does not have Chinese language by default, we need to install the Chinese language pack so that DA supports Chinese.
The language file directory of DA is located in /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/enhanced/lang/. First we need to download the language pack ( click to download the language pack ), if you are not used to SSH , directly use SFTP to go to the language directory, then decompress the downloaded Chinese language package and upload it.
[SSH method] putty to VPS, please see the command:

#cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/enhanced/lang(Go to directory)
#wget https://www.vpsok.net/download/sh/cn.zip( Download language pack)
#unzip cn.zip (unzip language pack)

After uploading the language pack, we still need to go to the DA panel to set Chinese.
The easiest way: edit the user.conf file
#vi /usr/local/directadmin/data/users/admin/user.conf
Find language=en  and change it to language=cn
【Other methods】Of course, you can also go directly to the DA background to set it up. The specific method is to first switch Access Level to User Level, then click Site Summary / Statistics / Logs on the user level interface, pull down, find Language, change en to cn, and then save Language~
[Updated in 2013: Please use this skin Chinese package] The above language package is the Chinese version of most of the default skin. I recently updated a Chinese package with direct skin modification, which is slightly better than the above. The method of use is also very simple.
If you log in via SSH, please follow the steps below:

cd /usr/local/directadmin/data/skins/
rm -rf enhanced
wget https://www.vpsok.net/download/enhanced.zip
unzip<x2 >enhanced.zip
rm -rf  enhanced.zip

The language pack above is suitable for the latest version of DA. At the same time, there is no need to switch languages, just select en (en is Chinese, the folder name is not changed). Please try to use this one as much as possible. The Chinese version above is not complete enough, but this one is much more complete. Above:

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