Dedify is a foreign VPS service provider whose domain name was registered in 2013. It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture and uses the CloudStack management panel. The data center is in Germany. This company's traffic restriction method is very special. It is limited by hours. If you insist on converting it into months, it will be about 1400GB (calculated based on 24 hours a day and a full month). In addition, its CPU is also limited. is more stringent.


Let’s take the lowest package as an example and take a look at its configuration information.

CPU: 1 core 500MHz

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB SSD

Traffic: 2GB/h

Virtual architecture: XEN

IP/Panel: 1/CloudStack

Test IP:

【Official website】

Dedify's host also supports hourly payment. For example, the timepiece above is €0.005/hour, German VPS Domestic access speed is average , those purchased are usually for special needs. Except for the one above, the configuration of the other model is basically the same, except that the price of upgrading the CPU to 1000MHz is €5.76/month (or €0.008/h).

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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