HostHatch is also an earlier established foreign VPS hosting provider, started in 2011. The merchant provides VPS based on OpenVZ and KVM architecture Hosts, among which KVM are divided into regular and large hard drive series. Optional data centers are in the United StatesLos Angeles, Sweden and the Netherlands. The merchant has currently released a special package. A 1TB hard drive package opened in Los Angeles pays US$5 per month and supports upgrading the hard drive, traffic and memory.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this machine.
CPU: 1 core
Memory: 1GB
Hard drive: 1TB/RAID50
Monthly traffic: 2TB/1Gbps
Virtual architecture: KVM
IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Falcon
Upgrade option ①: Plain storage per 1 TB - $4
Upgrade option ②: 1 GB RAM + 1 TB storage + 2 TB bandwidth - $5
【Order】Order link
The way to purchase this machine is to first register through the membership center of the order link, then recharge the corresponding amount, and then submit a work order stating the required information, and the merchant will help activate it. Special note: the host does not accept urgent mail, impatient readers are kindly requested to Don't waste your precious time! In addition, this machine is only available in the Los Angeles computer room and is valid for purchase before October 31st.