[Warning] Since a friend just purchased it, he found that the root password received in the email cannot be logged in, and the management panel does not exist. We are negotiating with the official. All friends who see this page are asked to suspend their purchase!

cripperz.sg is a domain name from Singapore. I saw their advertisement on WHT a few days ago promoting a $10/year cheap VPS. However, there was a problem with the ordering page and it could not be completed. I wrote to the official out of boredom to find out. It turned out to be a problem with my own settings. Today, I received an official email reply confirming that I can use the discount code to order this VPSVPS, send it to everyone.

This cheap VPS is originally priced at $20/year + $1 installation fee. The configuration is as follows:

Memory/burst memory: 128MB/256MB

Hard drive: 10GB

Monthly traffic: 300GB

1 dedicated IP (Add IP @ $2/month)

OpenVZ/ SolusVM

[Discount Code]WHT062011

【Purchase address】http://client.cripperz.sg/cart.php?gid=1

After using the discount code, the price of this VPS is $11/year.


Good VPS Searched the website and found that there is very little introduction. The official homepage shows that the website has been established since 1998(?), but the whois information shows that the domain name has been registered since June 2006. Month, registration until June 2011! It seems that it used to provide computer repair, web design, website production and other services. Selling VPS may be a new business. How about the specifics? Good VPS I haven’t tried it yet. I look forward to the results after the guinea pig tries it!

Although it is a Singapore website, the VPS provided is from the United States. Server addresses include Kansas and Colorado. The test IP address has not been received yet and is being requested by email.


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