CosmosTeck is a Chinese foreign VPS hosting provider. It belongs to the same company as Hardbirch and IDCbuster. It provides VPS products based on KVM, XEN and OpenVZ architecture. The data center is in Los Angeles PR engine room. Host vendors have recently launched KVM architecture packages at lower prices, among which the kvm256 package is only US$2.5 per month.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of the kvm256 package.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 10 GB
Monthly traffic: 1 TB
【Purchase link】https://client.cosmosteck.com/cart.php?a=add&pid=77
The CosmosTeck website has an English interface and supports PayPal USD or Alipay RMB payments. All packages provide IPv6 support. Of course, you can also choose to purchase directly on their Chinese website (Hardbirch and IDCbuster).