COMVPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system. The data centers include multiple regions in the United States and Hong Kong. All packages support Linux or Windows systems. In March, the hosting provider launched the SSD hard drive VPS package of the Hong Kong computer room. The promotion continues this month. The xen1024 package hard drive has been slightly upgraded. There is no increase in price for additional quantities, which is still 99 yuan.
Let’s take a look at the configuration information of this xen1024 Hong Kong SSD hard drive package.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 20GB SSD
Monthly traffic: unlimited (1M guaranteed, 2M peak)
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: HKSSD Test IP:
Click to go to the official website of the vps host →
The above package is 99 yuan per month after discount, and the renewal price is the same, compared to Last month the hard drive was upgraded from 15GB SSD to 20GB. Hong Kong's VPS has good domestic access speeds, especially for those who regard ping value as a speed indicator. The ping value is definitely comparable to domestic double lines, but the bandwidth is smaller, so it is suitable for sites with low traffic.