The CN.LA domain name is provided by Chinese people. Currently, there are quite a lot of domain name resources that can be registered. There are many three-digit numbers and two-digit letters.
The CN.LA domain name supports multi-level subdomain names, implicit forwarding, A/CNAME/MX/TXT records, range resolution, and DNS server modification! In addition, it is very convenient to register and can be used immediately. Although it is opened by Chinese people, it does not require registration.
Of course, this free domain name still has some requirements. For example, a purely free domain name must be activated and renewed every 5 days. There are also some paid projects, including standard and professional versions, with separate charges. They are 20 yuan and 30 yuan. The paid version also provides the function of changing the DNS server.
Registration address:
Because it needs to be continuously renewed, in line with the principle of not wasting resources, I did not apply for a demo. Friends who need it can go and see it. Look~~

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