Many friends have asked me, where can I find free CDN acceleration? In fact, CDN acceleration is indeed very effective for static pages, but it is of little significance for dynamic sites. In fact, there are still many foreign websites that provide free CDN acceleration. Today, Good VPS will share this website that provides free CDN acceleration: .
Before sharing, let’s first understand what CDN is.
[Explanation of terms: CDN]
The full name of CDN is Content Delivery Network, which is the content distribution network. Its basic idea is to avoid bottlenecks and links on the Internet that may affect data transmission speed and stability, so as to make content transmission faster and more stable. By placing node servers throughout the network to form a layer of intelligent virtual network based on the existing Internet, the CDN system can real-time analyze the network traffic and the connection and load status of each node, as well as the distance to the user and response time. and other comprehensive information to redirect the user's request to the service node closest to the user. Its purpose is to enable users to obtain the required content nearby, solve the congestion situation of the Internet network, and improve the response speed of users' access to the website.
In layman's terms, after a website joins a CDN, the CDN places the content of the website on each CDN "node". When a user accesses the website, he or she does not directly access the website, but the CDN redirects it to the website closest to the user. On the CDN "node" with the best results. In this way, the speed of user access is greatly improved, and the effect is naturally good. We can also understand it as making many "mirrors" of the website in various places. Of course, CDN is not actually a mirror. If we must understand it as a mirror, then at least we must understand it as CDN = smarter mirror + cache + traffic diversion. In this way, some websites that are "slow" due to limited bandwidth or other reasons will naturally become faster.
First, we open the website: http://www.
At the bottom of the homepage of the website, you can see three plans: Free, Pro, and Enterprise. We mainly use free CDN. Just register as a user first. At this time, you can click the "Sign up now!" button. .
The registration page is very simple. You only need to fill in your email, username and password twice. As shown below:
After that, you don’t even need to go to the mailbox to receive the mail, you have already logged in.
Next, we enter our domain name, click Add, and the background will automatically detect your original DNS settings. After a while, we will see the DNS settings of this domain name, including A records, etc. If we do not modify it, we will go to the next step.
Finally, the system will prompt you to modify the DNS to the system-specified DNS. According to the prompt, the modified DNS will take effect within 24 hours.
In addition to free CDN, also provides paid services. The statistics update cycle of the free version is 24 hours, while the paid version is 15 minutes. The difference is quite big. Of course, even if you don't use the CDN provided by, it's great to use it as a free DNS resolution.

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