CentOS7 has been out for a few years. I personally still use the 6 series. I mainly feel that the operations of these commands have changed too much, such as the firewall view and switch. It is always a habit to memorize the 6 series commands. 8 is not far away and you cannot hold on to 6 all the time. Now I will record the firewall related commands to facilitate my own search.

Check the running status of the firewall

firewall-cmd --state

Stop firewall

systemctl stop firewalld

Disable firewall from starting at boot

systemctl disable firewalld


Detailed operations:

启动服务:systemctl start firewalld.service
关闭服务:systemctl stop firewalld.service
重启服务:systemctl restart firewalld.service
显示服务的状态:systemctl status firewalld.service
在开机时启用:systemctl enable firewalld.service
在开机时禁用:systemctl disable firewalld.service
查看服务是否开机启动:systemctl is-enabled firewalld.service
查看已启动的服务列表:systemctl list-unit-files|grep enabled
查看启动失败的服务列表:systemctl --failed
查看版本: firewall-cmd --version
查看帮助: firewall-cmd --help
显示状态: firewall-cmd --state
查看所有打开的端口: firewall-cmd --zone=public --list-ports
更新防火墙规则: firewall-cmd --reload
查看区域信息:  firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
查看指定接口所属区域: firewall-cmd --get-zone-of-interface=eth0
拒绝所有包:firewall-cmd --panic-on
取消拒绝状态: firewall-cmd --panic-off
查看是否拒绝: firewall-cmd --query-panic

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