CatalystHost was registered in 2010 and started VPS business in 2012, providing products based on KVM and OpenVZ architecture. The data center is in Dallas, the last time a good VPS gathering was shared was in 2014. Recently, host providers have released some OpenVZ special packages on LEB. The annual payment starts from 12 US dollars for 128M memory, and monthly payment is supported for deposits within 1G.

We list the configuration information of several OpenVZ packages.

  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 1GB
  • Hard drive: 30GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 10TB/2Gbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $4/monthPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 512MB
  • Hard drive: 20GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 10TB/2Gbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $36/yearPurchase link
  • CPU:1core
  • Memory: 128MB
  • Hard drive: 10GB/RAID10
  • Traffic: 10TB/2Gbps
  • Architecture: OpenVZ
  • IP/Panel: 1IPv4/SolusVM
  • Price: $12/yearPurchase link
Test IP:  Download test

CatalystHost was listed in the LET reader voting rankings twice in 2014. User feedback is still good. The host uses 2x Intel Xeon E5-2620 CPU, 64GB memory, and 8 2TB disks. It has RAID10 and 2G network ports, but its data center and price are not very catering to the preferences of Chinese customers, so it is estimated that there are not many Chinese customers.


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