Burst I bought so much and recommended it to my friends. A few days ago, a friend left a message about why there was no test report. I suddenly realized that I really forgot to post some test results. Today, let’s take a look at the simple performance of Burst Linux VPS in Los Angeles.

First of all, the VPS used for testing today comes from Burst Los Angeles computer room, Linux system, and the payment is basically instant activation (some friends do not have instant activation, but good VPS purchases are basically 15 It was activated within minutes)
[top]Here you can see the configuration and usage of this VPS
[CPU information]Burst is all Give a core CPU
[Download rate test]
[Disk I/O test] Some friends said that the hard drive they bought was not strong, but the one that Zhao got was not bad!
Burst (we are used to calling it 84) The speed of domestic access in Los Angeles is great, the ping value is basically below 200ms, and 84 is powerful With its strength, the risk of running away is basically 0. If you cooperate with the discount code (see the discount code here: BurstNET 25% lifetime discount code ), it is really a great value. Moreover, the most important thing is that the experience of webmasters in the past month shows that the probability of 84 convulsions is much less than that of DS, and the speed is better than VIRPUS. It has become the first choice for low-priced VPS!
Go to the Burst official website and check it out!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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