Baidu Talk is a social network product recently quietly launched by Baidu (address:, which is basically equivalent to Weibo, but, It adopts real-name system, real avatar, binding mobile phone number, etc. It is a more real and honest social tool created by Baidu for users. In Baidu Talk , you can follow your friends, post messages, and tell your friends what you are thinking and doing anytime, anywhere using your mobile phone or computer.
Hao VPS has just launched Baidu Talk at the invitation of Don’t Know Blog . It feels a bit new.
You need your mobile phone number to receive a verification code to start, then you need your real name, ID card information, real photos, and then wait for verification. There was an episode in the middle. I used my own photo. Although it was not from today but from this year, it just didn’t pass my authentication and kept prompting me to use my real photo. I was dizzy! ~Obviously it was me, but later I used the camera to take a photo instantly, and it was approved very quickly, embarrassing. . .
Baidu Shuoba's invitation code is relatively simple to obtain. It is not like Tencent Weibo, where you have to wait for incubation. As long as you pass the certification, you can get 5 invitation links. No Sorry, I have already invited friends for 2 of them. Here, I will give you 3 for friends who need them to play with. Don’t forget to follow: Hey (Good VPS)
Invitation code1:http: //
Invitation code 2:
Invitation code 3:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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