ArchHosting is a foreign VPS host provider established in 2016. It provides VPS hosts based on KVM and OpenVZ architecture. The data centers are in the United States. Los Angeles and North Carolina (corresponding architecture), among which KVM uses SSD hard disk and supports Windows or Linux systems. I searched and compared the previous annual payment prices. The current monthly payment price is slightly expensive, KVM host 512MB package starts at US$5 per month.
We share the configuration information of several KVM architecture packages.
The merchant's KVM is located in Los Angeles QN computer room. It has ordinary lines, supports IPv6, and free 3Gbps DDoS protection. The host supports Windows 2008 or 2012. In the system selection, the merchant has recommended the installation of 1G+ memory or more. I don’t know the specific performance of the host, but it feels like the price is a bit high~