AquaNX is a foreign VPS service provider. The domain name has been registered since 2012, but Good VPS has seen its News page articles dating back to 2010. The hosting provider's machines are in California Silicon Valley. It seems to be its own computer room network, providing VPS and independent servers. The VPS is based on the KVM architecture. Currently, the hosting provider provides a significant discount. A KVM-512 package is only $5.99 per month after discount.

Let’s take this 512M package as an example and take a look at its configuration and discount code information.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 512MB

SWAP: 1024MB

Hard drive: 40GB(SAN)/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 500GB

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1/SolusVM

Discount code: AQUANX50  Test IP:

[Purchase link]

At the end, I will not talk about those messy things, but I will talk about the parts below that may be wrong. I hope readers can provide specific information and corrections after purchasing. One is the data center. I googled it and some said it was in CaliforniaSilicon Valley, some said it was in San Jose, and some in Chicago. I will refer to the introduction on the official COMPANY page here; the second one is virtual architecture and Admin panel, I'm still not sure about that. In addition, I read the comments on the last article. They provide Alipay payment support, but it seems that the payment cannot be instantaneous. I hope everyone will pay attention.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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