Aoyou Host is an outstanding VPS host provider in China. It was established earlier by many big brothers in the Global Host Forum. It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system, supporting windows or Linux systems. In September, Aoyou Host launched new awesome discounts: Los Angeles MC computer room has a lifetime discount of 50%, and Los Angeles UBI computer room has a lifetime discount of 45%.

Use discount code to purchase Los AngelesUBI has a 512MB package for only 44 yuan per month, while Los Angeles MC has a 512MB package for only 49 yuan per month. The following is Los Angeles MC. example.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 400GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Discount code: 50OFF-MC (applicable to Los Angeles MC computer room)    45OFF-SATA (applicable to Los Angeles UBI computer room)
Test IP:
Click to go to the host Business official website→
The above listed are the package configurations of the Los Angeles MC computer room, while the same hard drive in the Los Angeles UBI computer room has up to 60GB, and the other configurations are the same. The Los Angeles MC computer room has good speed in China, and the reputation of Aoyou Host has also been very good since its establishment.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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