AMinServe is a foreign VPS service provider whose domain name has been registered since 2010. There is basically no Chinese introduction on Baidu. I share it with you here. Anyone who has been a guinea pig is welcome to share your experience. They provide VPS hosts with Vmware/KVM architecture. They all support Linux and Windows systems. Data centers include the United States, Canada, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the Netherlands, etc. The lowest model is only available in the top Two computer rooms are provided, and there is currently a lifetime 50% discount code.


After the discount, the lowest monthly payment is only $6.97, and computer rooms in the United States and Canada are available.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 10GB/RAID10

Monthly traffic: unlimited/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/Vmware

【Oeder】Purchase link

Discount code: wht2016  Test IP:

Relatively speaking, the price of this company is not the cheapest. I sent an email last night to ask for a test IP in the United States, and the reply was quite timely. I checked that it is a ColoCrossing machine, but I don’t understand how it provides unlimited traffic. The 1G bandwidth must be shared. I'm going to talk about the recent articles. The blog has shared countless VPS host information. I hope readers will buy according to their needs and consider their own specific needs. They don't just look at the price. Those who are interested in refunds should also read the TOS to avoid unnecessary trouble. After it was over, she still felt uneasy and acted like a resentful woman. What's more, she even vented her emotions on her blog. In fact, I really can't do that! The blog is constantly updated. It is certainly impossible to write about a product recognized by a certain reader every day according to the definition of a certain reader's preferences, right? This is just a broken blog, basically all personal opinions. If you have similar grievances, please click on the xx on the browser to leave.


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