80VPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system, including Hong Kong, China, the United States (Los Angeles, San Jose, Phoenix, Chicago, etc. ), more than 10 data centers including the UK. November is a very important turning point. Foreign countries are celebrating Halloween, and Chinese people are preparing to celebrate Singles’ Day. Anyway, let’s have fun in a different way! 80VPS also provides a lifetime 50% off discount code for all products today. After using the discount code, Hong Kong XEN only costs 50 yuan per month, while the United States Starting from as low as 25 yuan!
Let’s share the configuration information of a Hong Kong and an American low-priced product respectively. First, let’s take a look at the X384 package of the Hong Kong product.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 384MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/Xensystem
The above one only costs 50 yuan per month (original price is 100 yuan per month). You can also choose the X512 package, which only costs 80 yuan per month.
Let’s take a look at an American X256 package, which is only 25 yuan per month after discount (original price is 50 yuan/month).
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 15GB
Monthly traffic: 150GB
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: 80geili Applicable to all computer rooms, all packages, until November 5th
Click to copy the discount code/open
Click to go to the 80vps official website→
The 256MB memory product only supports Linux systems. It is recommended that users who need American VPS products choose the 512MB and above packages provided by 80VPS, and an X512 package is discounted It’s only 37.5 yuan per month and supports both windows and linux, which is very impressive. The discount code is valid until November 5th and is applicable to all packages and all computer rooms. The inventory of some computer room packages is limited, so hurry up and get it if you need it.