80VPS is a well-established Chinese VPS hosting provider. It has been established for a long time and the risk of running away is also low (*). It provides VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system and supports linux or windows operations. System, optional data centers include more than 10 nodes including Los Angeles , San Jose, Fremont, Phoenix, Chicago and Hong Kong, China. In June, the host provider once again released a limited lifetime 50% off discount code, applicable to Los Angeles BV and UBI computer rooms.
After using the discount code, the lowest xen512 package is only 37.5 yuan per month (original price is 75 yuan per month).
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30 GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB (UBI=500GB)
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: 80vpsoff50
Click to go to the official website of the vps host →
The above discount code is applicable to Los AngelesBV and Los Angeles UBI computer room, lifetime discount and renewal at the same price, limited to 30 The deadline is June 30, first come basis. These two computer rooms have some enhanced packages that can provide multiple IPs. If you are interested, you can take a look. I take Los Angeles BV as an example to list some package configurations and discounted price information.
- Architecture CPU Memory Hard Disk Traffic System Price
- Single core 512M30G1000G37.5 yuan/month
- Dual-core 1024M60G2000G75 yuan/month
- Quad-core 2048M120G4000G150 yuan/month