80VPS is a Chinese VPS host provider that provides VPS products based on A computer room. This month 80VPS has launched a new server in Hong Kong again, and provides a lifetime discount of 40%. After the discount, the HK384 package is only 60 yuan per month, while the HK512 package is 96 yuan per month.
All packages in Hong Kong support Linux or Windows systems. Here we list the configuration information of a 512MB product, priced at 96 yuan per month after discount (original price 160 yuan per month).
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (1Mbps)
1 IP/Xensystem
Discount code: hk06
Click to go to the 80vps official website→
The Hong Kong VPS provided by 80VPS is located in the Hong Kong pangintl computer room. The discount code is applicable to all Hong Kong VPS Packages include the lowest configuration HK384. Although Hong Kong VPS has small bandwidth, it has obvious geographical advantages and good domestic access speeds. It is the first choice for corporate websites and personal small sites. The United States is the best choice for large-traffic sites.