4freewebspace comes from the United States, Chinese management panel, perfectly supports Chinese, free resource network applied for one, the current speed is very good, and space has no ads and has Friends who need it should hurry up and apply. Let’s introduce the parameters of this space:
Space size: 300M
Monthly traffic: 10G
MySQL database size: 50M
Space management panel: Vista Panel
Number of FTP connections: 1
Bind top-level domain name: 6
subdomain names: 6
space supports WEB and FTP file management, and also supports direct online decompression, which is very convenient, but zip files larger than 5M cannot be supported, so please Attention. It is very convenient to register for this space, and you can use it immediately after email verification. The default language of the management panel of the space is Chinese, so it is also very convenient for domestic friends to use.
What, if you are excited, then hurry up and apply. Application address: http://www.4freeweb.net
This article is reproduced from the free space network, To get more free resources, please visit www.supfree.tk

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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