400IDC is a Chinese VPS service provider. The OpenVZ architecture product station under 80VPS provides computer room products in Los Angeles, USA. Currently, the VPS hosting provider has launched the Hong Kong OpenVZ package and provides a 30% lifetime discount. Discount code, the discounted 512MB memory package Hong Kong VPS is only 49 yuan per month.

Taking the Hong Kong VZ512 entry-level model as an example, let’s take a look at its configuration and discount information.

CPU: 1 cores

Memory: 512MB

Burst memory: 1024MB

Hard drive: 20GB

Monthly traffic: 200GB (2M)


Discount code: 400IDCCX   Test IP:

Click to go to the official website of the vps host →

The discount code is applicable to all packages of the Hong Kong node (select "Hong Kong Vz" under "US VPS" in the header menu of the official website homepage), with a lifetime discount and the same renewal price. The Hong Kong VPS OpenVZ package launched by 400IDC this time is located in the Pangnet computer room. The domestic access speed is excellent, and different packages can obtain different bandwidth peaks (the lowest package is 2M). The smaller bandwidth is not suitable for sites that consume large amounts of traffic, such as downloading sites.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS

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