360 has been fighting with QQ for a month. Although 360 seems to have given in, it seems that the old horse has no intention of giving up. Hey, it seems that 360 will not give up until it is killed this time!
Actually, I have no position. I have never used 360 and have never installed it, but I recommend others to install it. Many friends ask me to install it. In their minds, the Chinese people have a strong sense of appropriation. If they have to spend money to buy anti-virus, they cannot accept it. It just so happens that I can install it for you. A 360, it costs nothing and is easy to operate. As for QQ, it is an indispensable communication tool in my life. There is no way, you are awesome, you said you use MSN, but there are hundreds of people on it, you can't tell everyone to use MSN, right?
However, based on the nature of sympathizing with the weak, this time, 360 is indeed playing the role of the weak, being bullied by the powerful penguin. Therefore, emotionally I still tend to side with 360. The wisdom of netizens is unlimited. Yes, these days, I don’t need to excerpt the sentences about 360 and QQ on the Internet. Today I will share with you a video. It’s quite funny. covers and it seems to be SHE’s "Chinese". The lyrics Changed, hehe

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