2host is an early foreign VPS hosting provider (established by Indians, selling American VPS). It provides VPS products based on XEN PV architecture. The data center is in San Jose. , EGI computer room* (the computer room where BuyVM was originally located), domestic access speed is good. 2host has been introduced several times in the Good VPS tribe. The VPS he provides is particularly unique. It is also one of the craziest VPS hosting companies that Good VPS knows about and currently provides traffic, including the xen128 package. 10TB traffic.
In January this year, I introduced the $5 monthly xen256 package. Currently, this package has upgraded the disk again and the price remains unchanged. The latest configuration information is as follows.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 30 GB
Monthly traffic: 10 TB
1 IP/SolusVM
Test IP:
Click to go to the order link→
In addition to this one, 2host also has a lower configuration package, which only requires annual payment. The price It is $25, and the hard drive has been upgraded to 20GB (originally only 10GB), and the traffic is the same. Another package of $6 per month provides 512MB memory and 50GB disk, which is also very good. It allows VPN, and the host company said it is G port, after reading some of the previous comments, this G port must be owned by the hen, and there is no individual restriction on chicken sharing.