I have actually been thinking about this thing for a few months, and I have always wanted to do a poll to see which VPS hosting providers everyone thinks are good. This matter has been shelved many times for some reason, and I saw something recently. , aroused this desire again. At the end of the year, I will make a statistics on my blog. In 2012, which VPS hosting providers do you think are good and preferable? This poll was initially divided into two parts: Chinese IDC and foreign IDC. However, during the implementation, it was found that I am not qualified to publish relevant Chinese IDC voting projects. Therefore, in the future, rankings, comparisons and voting will not involve Chinese IDC. Readers and friends, please forgive me.
Before voting, let me first declare:
First, the voting host provider rankings are in no particular order. They are all added by me at random. At the same time, the order set in the background is : Random;
Second, each hosting provider adds the location of the computer room it provides, but it is not comprehensive, only part of it. For example, BurstNET only lists Los Angeles and Scranton;
3. Because there are many IDCs involved, I hope everyone will try their best to read them before choosing. Each reader can choose 3 of their favorite IDCs;
4. Due to the haste, some omissions are inevitable. Readers are welcome to leave comments and recommendations. I also hope that Friends who have chosen leave a message with the reasons for choosing them;
Fifth, the final result of this voting will be announced on December 1.

2012 My Favorite VPS Hosting Provider Voting Event (Foreign IDC)

  • Linode(Japan/USA) (18%, 75 votes)
  • BuyVM(San Jose/New York) (15%, 62 votes)
  • Hostigation(Los Angeles/North Carolina) (11%, 46 votes)
  • BurstNET (Los Angeles/Scranton) (10%, 41 votes)
  • BudgetVM (Los Angeles/Chicago) (9%, 36 votes)
  • OVH(San Jose) (8%, 33 votes)
  • 123systems(Dallas/Chicago) (8%, 33 votes)
  • YardVPS(Los Angeles) (7%, 29 votes)
  • HostingInside(Los Angeles) (6%, 26 votes)
  • DirectSpace (Portland) (5%, 22 votes)
  • VIRPUS(Kansas/Los Angeles) (5%, 20 votes)
  • VPS.net(Japan/USA) (5%, 19 votes)
  • PhotonVPS(Los Angeles) (4%, 18 votes)
  • OneAsiaHost(Singapore) (4%, 18 votes)
  • SonicVPS(San Jose) (4%, 16 votes)
  • BlueVM (Atlanta/CA) (3%, 11 votes)
  • EcVps(San Jose/Seattle) (2%, 8 votes)
  • QuickWeb(Los Angeles/Phoenix) (2%, 7 votes)
  • SemoWeb(Orlando/Dallas) (1%, 6 votes)
  • Newwebsite(Virginia) (1%, 5 votes)
  • QuickPacket(Atlanta/San Jose) (1%, 5 votes)
  • URPad(Los Angeles/New York) (1%, 4 votes)
  • 2HOST(San Jose) (1%, 3 votes)
  • SecuredSpeed(Los Angeles/Phoenix) (1%, 3 votes)
  • SSHVM(Kansas/San Jose) (0%, 2 votes)
  • Prometeus(Italy) (0%, 2 votes)

Total number of voters: 421

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【Update】 This poll was posted and received an enthusiastic response from everyone. My personal principle is that I absolutely do not want to interfere with the results in the background. However, I found that 123systems actually had a higher number of votes. Number, of course, this should be due to his low price? However, I am here to update here. A year ago, someone said that 123systems was going to run away, but I didn’t take it seriously. Now, although I have a lot of it, I solemnly remind everyone to pay attention! (To avoid incurring criticism and uneasiness, the previous sentence has been modified. Please understand that as the New Year is approaching, Good VPS would also like to remind everyone to beware of those IDCs that are selling jump prices. Pay special attention to them regardless of whether they are foreign or domestic. End of story)
Wherever there is Chinese, there is Jianghu.
After being reminded by an enthusiastic reader, I do feel that it is inappropriate for smartvps to participate in voting for foreign VPS hosting providers. This option is now removed, and readers and friends are requested to supervise.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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