Friends who have used the 000webhost space know that the 000 space has an automatic backup function. However, according to the prompts in the Sandan backend, they will automatically help you back up in 30 days, then What if you want to back up at any time? Of course it is possible, let’s do a website backup together with a good VPS.
First log in to your 000webhost, and go to the CP panel, find the FILES project in the panel, as shown below, please click backups:

to enter the backup project background, because Good VPS has been backed up here, so there is already backed up data. Please see the picture. According to the picture, click 1 first. The system prompts that the system is generating a backup. It may take 10 minutes. Then you choose to return to go back. If the backup After completion, you have to select the second button to transfer the data and generate a backup download address. Please see the picture:

After completing the above action, there will be a prompt, which means the system The backup is being transferred. It may take about 10 minutes before you can download your backup. Then go back and look above, as shown in the picture. At this time, your backup file is ready for download. Click to download!

Well, it’s really simple! Friends who want to back up, just follow the method of writing a good VPS and give it a try!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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