Summary of some Chinese IDC preferential information in July

Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

XenServer: Use XenCenter to open a VPS (full version with multiple pictures)

Strike while the iron is hot, let's play XenServer next. Yesterday, Hao VPS installed XenServer on the server using the KVM provided by the computer room. Today we are going to play something more interesting: opening a chicken. After installing XenServer, visit our server IP and you will see two download links for XenCenter. Directly download the msi to install it (this is installed on your computer, which is equivalent to the management side and can manage the server where you have installed XenServer. ).
This is the interface for running XenCenter, as shown below: