Today I encountered this error message when installing BBR acceleration on a VPS: curl: (35) SSL connect error. After searching online, it turned out to be a problem with Network Security Service, so I recorded it for next time. It's easy to find when you encounter it.
In this case, you need to upgrade nss (that is, Network Security Service)
yum update nss
If the above command prompts no nss, you need to install nss
yum install nss
After my VPS was upgraded to nss, it became normal. This problem is probably relatively rare. It seems that our general curl SSL version Use openssl, but some centos versions default to nss. At this point, I remembered another simple problem, that is, when we wget https site content, an error was reported. Adding --no-check-certificate (preceded by 2 -, this has nothing to do with the error reported in this article, just a note) does not check the certificate. .


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