Better Uptime 
The screenshot above is the basic page

This screenshot is the monitoring page of a specific website, which can be monitored by region. [wpdiscuz-feedback id="0bqmmyo96m" question="Please provide feedback on this" opened="0"]BetterUptime[/wpdiscuz-feedback] has a free plan that supports free email reminders, 3-minute checks, and 5 Telephone. The Freelancer plan offers unlimited calls, 30-second checks, and a single-user account. The annual payment is $30 per month. The Small Team plan recommended by the official website is $64 per month. It has 5 team accounts and unlimited phone calls. Alarm, 100 monitoring points. If these don't suit your scale, there's also the most advanced Business plan, which costs $120/month for an annual fee and offers the best support and the option to add additional users.