Many people may know the free space of Apple Power , and the free space provided by domestic Apple Power . You need to post 20 of them to Baidu Tieba Promote posts, and then go to the forum to apply for space before you can use it, but what I introduce today is to use it directly without posting - American Apple Power (!
This American Apple Power , I suspect it is opened by Chinese people, because both the process of applying for space and the backend of the space are completely consistent with domestic hosts (I have paid domestic fees The host and control panel are exactly the same as this American Apple Power , but the language is different).
Without further ado, let’s take a look at the parameters of the space provided by Apple Power .
Space size: 2GB
MySQL database: 1GB
Monthly traffic: 100GB
Bind domain name: 2
FTP account: 1
Space supports, PHP script, There are no ads and it looks pretty good. I applied for one. The ping value is stable at 200ms and the speed is very fast. Registration is very simple, you just need to enter your username, password, and email address. You don’t even need to go to your email address to activate, etc., you can log in to apply for free space . When applying for free space, set an FTP username and password. Note that this username will be your third-level address. Look at the screenshots I applied for:

The control panel is not difficult to use. In the background, you can compress, decompress, change FTP password, WEB upload, customize 404 page, etc. online.
Application address:
Rice binding demonstration:

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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