01. How to remove the top advertising bar, lower right and lower left ads of Xunlei:
First close Xunlei. Then delete the two .xml files in the program in the Thunder installation directory, and create a new folder with the same name and suffix (if you only delete it without creating the same folder with the same name and suffix) , Thunder will automatically rebuild two .xml files after restarting), namely adhistory.xml and adtask.xml.
The DOS command is: del *.xml
md adhistory.xml
md adtask.xml
Then find the file gui.cfg, open it with Notepad, and find the following four lines,
ADServer =
Delete the URL after "=". save document. Right-click the modified "gui.cfg", select Properties, and change it to "Read-only". Start Thunder, the small ads are gone.
Note: The top advertisement refers to Xunlei’s promotional animation advertisement. The above method only blocks the advertisement that prevents Xunlei from downloading the promotional animation. If you want to completely remove the banner advertisement at the top, please refer to the following method: (The following method is for Chuke in Network search)
Use UE (i.e. UltraEdit software) to open ProgramThunder5.exe, and then search for the hexadecimal feature code:
89 5D D0 89 5D D4 89 5D D8 C7 45 DC 3C After finding it Change the last 3C to 00 (that is, first select 3C with the mouse, and then directly enter 00 with the keyboard - it is a number, not a letter) and the blank advertising column at the top is not drawn.
02. How to remove Thunder right-side advertisements:
First, delete the p4pclient folder in the Components folder, or rename this folder (We recommend changing the name to prevent reinstallation if necessary) ), so that the right advertising area will become blank, then open the UserConfig file in the Profiles folder, change Pane1_Hide=0 under [Splitter_1] to Pane1_Hide=1, and hide the right advertising area.
03. How to remove text ads at the bottom of Xunlei:
Open the Xunlei installation directory and enter the "Program" subdirectory, find the two files "adhistory.xml" and "adtask.xml", and use Notes Open it, delete all the contents inside, save it, and then set both files to "read-only" attribute.
04. Clear pop-up advertisements in Thunder's default configuration status:
Click "Tools" - "Configuration" on the main interface, select the "Advanced" tab on the left side of the "Configuration" window, and turn the right Remove the "√" in front of the three items in the "Show Prompts" column. In the Thunder installation directory: Thunder NetworkThunderProgram, delete the AD folder. The ads will no longer appear!
05. How to remove Thunder pop-up windows (tips) and block the pop-up small window in the lower right corner:
Find the Thunder installation folder, find ThunderComponentsTipsdata in turn, and delete the date folder. Or simply delete the entire Tips folder, which is full of Thunder pop-ups anyway. After deleting, create a text document, name it Tips, and delete the suffix .txt to prevent the Tips folder from regenerating. Open Thunder NetworkThunderComponentsTips, delete the tipsextend.exe inside and create a replacement file with the same name. Then the annoying small window will not pop up in the lower right corner of the desktop when downloading!
06. Remove Thunder information and search links Method:
Thunder Information, delete the InMedia folder in the Components folder, or rename this folder. Search, delete the Search folder in the Components folder, or rename this folder.
07. How to remove links from Xunlei Kankan, Xunlei Assistant and Sogou Movie and TV Rankings:
Close Xunlei, open the Xunlei installation directory, find the addins.ini file in the Program folder, and open it The file can be seen
Name=Required software for installation
[{ 1FC7CAC6-2DA8-4cb0-B440-C069956CC0CA}]
Name=Dog Search Ranking
[{EBDF4650-539A-4CC5-B6F2-B7C5E5D59735 }]
Change all Enable=1 to Enable=0.
08. Remove Xunlei’s “community interaction”:
Xunlei’s community interaction is supported by the XLCommunity.dll file under ComponentsCommunity. Because Xunlei has modified it many times, the word " Open it with the restorator software; delete the 1076 file under the dialog", or "use Notepad to open the XLCommunity.dll file, use the search menu, search for client_down, find the URL "http://recommend.xunlei.com/client_down.html" and delete it "Delete" these two methods are no longer valid. If you have to delete the community interaction, there are two small methods: A. Find the previous version of the XLCommunity.dll file and replace it with the current version (i.e. version You can log in and Community interactions can be canceled. I have found a 1.4 version. After replacement, it can be used normally and does not affect general downloads. If you only use Thunder to download, it is absolutely fine. The other effects are unknown. B. Delete the XLCommunity.dll file. In this case, you will not be able to log in and upgrade points. If you are just downloading without logging in, I think this method is completely feasible.
09. Remove the popular recommendations on the right side of Xunlei:
Make sure Xunlei is closed, open the "Profiles" folder in the Xunlei installation directory, find the "UserConfig.ini" file, and use Notepad Open it, find "[Splitter_1]", find "Pane1_Hide=0" below it, and change 0 to 1. save document.
Chu Ke added that by the way, find the P4PClient folder and delete 1 DLL file in it. It is related to the popular recommendations on the right. If you don’t want it, delete them all! After starting Thunder again, you will find that the popular recommendations on the right are no longer there.
10. Prohibit Thunder to upload secretly:
Delete Windowssystem32cid_store.dat in the system, and then create a read-only empty file cid_store.dat with the same name. Based on Microsoft OS, files or directories with the same name cannot exist in the same location. According to the principle, Xunlei will no longer be able to create a file with the same name.
The following addition:
Delete all files in the ProgramUpdate directory, and then create a subdirectory update.dat to prohibit Xunlei from secretly downloading update components.
This article is reproduced from by chance at the North Pole. would like to express his gratitude!
Annoying Thunder ads not only affect usage but also occupy system resources. Try the organizing method mentioned above to create an ad-free version of Thunder.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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