The parameters of ,CGI,Perl,,python,ssi,FrontPage…
Upload method: FTP
Domain name binding: Supports binding top-level domain names, provides second-level domain names, unlimited domain extensions
Control Panel: Adopt CPanel control management panel
Advertising: No ads
More support: Softculous automatic installation, Fantastico automatic installation, supports 404 and 403 custom error pages, provides self-service website building services, and has more than 30 templates for you to choose from.
>We have been creating free space since 2005. It is not easy to be able to do it today! If you are in need, just go to their website and apply. However, I applied and tested it yesterday. The application process is quite complicated. I will continue to wait and see whether it will work.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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