I have been trying for a long time to display only the abstract on the homepage, and finally succeeded. I don’t dare to keep it to myself, so I will introduce it to everyone!
Plug-in name:  wp-utf8-excerpthttp://myfairland.net/wp-utf8-excerpt/
Plug-in homepage:
WP Official: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wp-utf8-excerpt/
Main features: 1. Supports multi-byte languages ​​(such as Chinese) without generating garbled characters. 2. The abstract can retain the format tags in the article, such as fonts, colors, links, pictures, etc. (the tags that need to be retained can be set in the background). 3. Each article displays 300 words on the home page and 150 words per article on the archive page (the number of words can be set).
Local download address: Click to download

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