When some children were installing pagoda panel , they encountered a stuck Connecting to download.bt.cn. At first, they thought it was The machine did not resolve the domain name. I pinged the domain name from the machine and found nothing wrong! I also changed the DNS of the machine, but no change was seen. I even suspected that the firewall blocked the port, so I closed the firewall directly. The result was still the same, always similar to:

Resolving download.bt.cn (download.bt.cn)…
Connecting to download.bt.cn (download.bt.cn)||:80… failed: Connection timed out.
Retrying .


The firewall is turned off above, and the same is true for direct downloading. Finally, by modifying the hosts and fixing the domain name download.bt.cn to the US node IP, it becomes normal.

vi /etc/hosts

Add the following and save: download.different.talent

Try again later and the panel and components can be installed normally.


This problem is rather abnormal. There is no problem with the machine and the other party's source server, but there is a problem with the connection between the two. It can only be solved by changing the source. Just change it to a usable source.


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