Leyi Network is a Chinese hosting provider that provides VPS and server products in the United States, Hong Kong, China, and other countries and regions. The VPS is based on the XEN architecture and uses Xensystem Management panel supports Linux and Windows operating systems. This month, the hosting provider provides Hao VPS Tribe readers with a monthly discount code of NT$30 for the Hong Kong computer room. After the discount, the 2GB memory Hong Kong VPS package is only NT$98 per month.
We first share the configuration information of this 2GB package.
CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 2048MB
Hard drive: 60 GB
Monthly traffic: 2M unlimited
Test IP: (New World) (Asian number)
Click to go to the official website of the VPS host →
The discount code is applicable to the package of 2 computer rooms in Hong Kong, with a lifetime discount and the same renewal price. Compared with the package provided by the hosting provider during the last Mid-Autumn Festival, the hard drive size has been upgraded this time and the price remains unchanged. Hong Kong VPS does not require registration, and domestic access speeds are very fast, but international bandwidth is expensive, so it is suitable for sites that do not occupy a large bandwidth.