Tencent CloudThe official Double Eleven event is still going on, with 5 popular flash sales every day. Products include cloud servers, CDN traffic packages, SMS packages, etc. Participate in every event every day The flash sale products, payment periods, and discounts are all different. There are the most basic SA1 (single-core 1G memory), S1 (dual-core 4G memory), S2 (8-core 16G memory) and other models participating. Today there is another value-for-money machine. Optional, dual-core CPU, 8G memory, 50G hard drive, 10M bandwidth, only 3,069 yuan for three years.

Take the machine for the flash sale event at 11:00 today as an example. The regions can be selected from Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou.

CPU: dual core

Memory: 8GB

Hard drive: 50GB cloud hard drive

Bandwidth: 10M

Architecture: Cloud

IP: 1 public IP

Price: 3069 yuan/three years

【Order】Activity page

Flash sale rules

Target audience: Domestic website users who have registered on the official website of Tencent Cloud and completed real-name authentication can participate (except for collaborators);

Event time: October 29th to November 30th, 2018, five flash sales every day (09:00, 11:00, 14:00, 16:00, 19:00);

Flash sale instructions:

1. Flash sale discounts cannot be combined with other discounts, and vouchers cannot be used;

2. If the order is not completed within 15 minutes, the payment will be automatically closed. Please pay as soon as possible after placing the order; if the order is canceled after reaching the purchase quantity and frequency limit, the purchase qualification for the corresponding number of purchases will be restored after 10 minutes;

3. During the flash sale event, the same user (the same mobile phone, email address, and real-name authentication user is considered the same user) is limited to selecting 1 product and purchasing 1 unit per flash sale. The same user can flash sale up to 10 times for each configured product;

4. Configuration downgrade is not allowed after the purchase is completed; configuration upgrades and renewals are performed according to the normal purchase process on the official website;

5. Flash sale products do not support refunds;

6. All CVM models have unlimited CPU load, and the performance is up to 100%;

7. The flash sale cloud server configuration includes standard S1, S2 instances and SA1 (AMD EPYC™ Xiaolong processor instance). Except for the S1 instance, the Shanghai Zone 1 model includes 50G local disk, other instances and models include 50G high-performance cloud plate;

8. Optional bandwidth configurations for flash sale cloud server standard S1 and S2 instances include 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 5Mbps, and 10Mbps; optional bandwidth configurations for AMD EPYC™ processor instances only include 1Mbps. If you need more bandwidth, please go to the official website to upgrade after purchasing the server on the event page;

9. In order to ensure the fairness and justice of the activity, Tencent Cloud has the right to maliciously snatch activity resources (such as through technical means such as programs), long-term idle resources, and use resources to engage in illegal activities. users take back cloud resources.


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