DirectAdmin is what we call the DA panel for short. Many foreign hosts used by my friends use this panel. The DA panel uses apache by default. Apache is the world's number one WEB server and has excellent ability to process dynamic pages, but it is a bit weak in processing static pages. Therefore, many friends install nginx front-end for the DA panel and let nginx run in front. Static, while apache handles dynamic, which has good results.
Good VPS also tried to install the nginx front-end for DA. I used the automatic installation scripts of two heroes respectively. They are both very good and I specially share them.
1. iCodex’s Blog script
First, let’s take a look at the script from iCodex’s Blog, which is limited to CentOS system installation and use, and has been tested to be normal. Installation process:

chmod 755

You can also use a good VPS to modify the script installation of nginx version 1.3:

chmod 755

To uninstall:

chmod 755

Original author's address:
The author stated that it can only be used for new DA installations. Good VPS has also tried to install it on existing hosts and websites. No abnormalities have been found during use, but friends still need to pay attention when using it.
2. SHY9000 script
SHY9000 script Here we share its one-click package. This one-click package includes nginx front-end installation, one-click website upload installation, Capri skin, etc., which is very convenient. The script is also only applicable to CentOS systems, and the installation method is also very simple.


At the same time, this script also automatically updates DA's PHP to 5.3, MYSQL to 5.5, and automatically installs ZEND Guard, which is very convenient.
Original author's blog:
Personally, I think there are certain benefits to installing nginx front-end for DA. It can process static pages more efficiently, apache Stress will also be reduced. Of course, in addition to the automatic scripts of the two heroes I shared here, there may be other scripts or methods, and friends are welcome to enlighten me.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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