Recently, I have received a lot of Chinese IDC preferential information, including different architectures such as OpenVZ and XEN, and different data centers. There is too much content to write a separate article one by one, so I will make a summary here. The following rankings are in no particular order, on a first-come-first-served basis.
☆☆☆★★★No.1 VPS★★★☆☆☆

Discount code: halfyear
Discount margin: 5 Fold
Computer room lines: Los Angeles webnx, psychz, Fremont
Validity period: Undetermined
The first VPS is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, providing VPS based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system, data Centers include webnx, psychz, Fremont, etc. in Los Angeles on the West Coast of the United States. In order to celebrate the half-year anniversary of its establishment, a special 50% discount code has been set up. After the discount, a 1024MB product is 95 yuan per month.

CPU: 3 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 40GB
Monthly traffic: 1000GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Click to go to diyivps official website→

Discount code: 2Yearoff
Discount Amount: 50% off
Computer room lines: Los Angeles, San Jose, Fremont
Validity period: 50 people for each type
EMSHOST is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, with the Chinese name Yisu Internet, using the Xensystem system, based on the XEN architecture , supports Windows and Linux systems, and provides multiple data center options. The discount code is specially designed for the 2nd anniversary. After this discount, a 512MB product is 55.5 yuan per month!

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 100Mbps shared unlimited
1 IP/Xensystem

Click to go to the official website of Yisu Internet→
☆☆☆★★★Birch Network★★★☆☆☆
Discount code: No need
Discount: 35% off
Computer room line: Los Angeles PR
Validity period: Undetermined
Birch Network (ihuashu) is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, using win 2008 Hyper-v+ZKYES panel supports Windows and Linux systems. The VPS provided is located in Los Angeles PR. Currently, the 1GB product with the original price of 158 yuan is directly discounted to 98 yuan for promotion.
CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 40GB
Monthly traffic: 5Mbps exclusive and unlimited
Official website:
☆☆☆★★★Dokker Network★★★☆☆☆

Discount code: XYT1GYHM4Z
Discount: 40% off
Computer room line: Seattle
Validity period: long-term
Duoke Network is a Chinese VPS hosting provider, using the Xensystem system, based on the XEN architecture, supporting windows and linux systems. After this discount, a 1024MB product is priced at 100 yuan per month.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 1024MB
Hard disk: 50GB
Monthly traffic: 100Mbps shared unlimited
1 IP/Xensystem

Official website:
☆☆☆★★★Extremely fast network★★★☆☆☆

Coupon code: ZRBLOG07
Discount: 30% off
Computer room line: Los Angeles webnx
Validity period: Undetermined
Speed ​​Network is a Chinese VPS host provider that provides Xensystem system based on XEN architecture. The data center is in Los Angeles webnx, domestic access speed is good. The host company launches a lifetime discount of 30% off. After using the discount code, a 256MB product is only 40 yuan per month (original price is 58 yuan/month)

CPU: 1 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard disk: 15GB
Monthly traffic: 250GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Click to go to ZVRD official website→
☆☆☆★★★Fast Cloud Network★★★☆☆☆

Coupon code: vpsks95
Discount rate: 95% off
Computer room lines: Los Angeles webnx, psychz
Validity period: Undetermined
Express Cloud Network is a Chinese VPS hosting provider that provides XEN-based The VPS product that builds the Xensystem panel, the data center is in webnx, Psychz computer room in Los Angeles. Currently, the host company has launched a flash sale price, a 256MB XEN is 39 yuan per month (renewal is 45 yuan).

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 256MB
Hard drive: 20GB
Monthly traffic: 500GB
1 IP/Xensystem

Click to go to VPSKS official website →

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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