TrentaHost domain name has been registered since 2012, and their member center announcement began in May 2013. The host provider provides virtual hosting and VPS products, of which VPS is based on KVM architecture, with windows system, all VPS provide default 20Gbps DDoS protection , data center includes United States Los Angeles , Dallas, Phoenix, Atlanta, Ashburn, Portland and Amsterdam, Netherlands. Currently they have a 50% off discount code for the down payment, which is valid until June 3 and is applicable to all packages (not applicable to monthly payments).


We list the configuration information of several hosts. Please note that the price is for the first month and not for life.

KVM256   $5.06/first quarter

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 256MB

Hard drive: 8GB SSD

Monthly traffic: unlimited traffic/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IP/SolusVM

【Order】Los Angeles | Portland | Dallas | Phoenix

KVM512   $10.13/first quarter

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 512MB

Hard drive: 15GB SSD

Monthly traffic: unlimited traffic/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IP/SolusVM

【Order】Los Angeles | Portland | Dallas | Phoenix

KVM1024   $20.25/first quarter

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 1024MB

Hard drive: 25GB SSD

Monthly traffic: unlimited traffic/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IP/SolusVM

【Order】Los Angeles | Portland | Dallas | Phoenix

Discount code: 50OFF

Test IP: Angeles) (Portland)

Please note that the 256M package does not support Windows. Although the order link can be selected, it is impossible to install this configuration on Windows 2012. The discount code is for the down payment (monthly payment is not available, but can be used for quarterly, semi-annual and annual payments) Not lifetime reminder. In addition, I checked the host provider’s terms of service. Their refunds are only for virtual hosts. Please note that there are no refunds for VPS.


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