Websound is a foreign VPS hosting provider registered in the UK in 2013. Good VPS Gathering has introduced it several times, all of which are Las Vegas computer rooms. The VPS provided by the hosting provider is based on KVM institution, currently newly launched Los Angeles Psychz computer room package, using pure SSD disk, provides a small amount of DDoS attack protection, price Slightly higher than the previous Las Vegas, the lowest 256M package is £3.4/month after discount.

Let’s take the lowest package as an example to take a look at its configuration and preferential information.

CPU: 1 core

Memory: 256MB


Hard drive: 8GB SSD/RAID10

Monthly traffic: 1TB/1Gbps

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1/Virtualizor

Discount code: KVMSP15  Test IP:

【Purchase link】https://websound.co.uk/cart.php?a=add&pid=146

Host provider Los Angeles Psychz's hen configuration is Intel E3-1230v3 CPU, 32GB memory, four 512GB SSD hard disk groups RAID10, 1Gbps uplink bandwidth, small memory hen, still good , Psychz provides DDoS protection, and the amount of protection is not large. The above test IP seems to have ping disabled. You can also directly access the IP to view the LookingGlass page to test download files.


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