bplaced.net is a free space provider from Austria. The space has no bandwidth data traffic, no file restrictions, and no ads! Supports PHP5, FTP, MySQL and PostgreSQL. Please note that the registration time for this space is 06:00 – 17:00 GMT every day. Due to the time difference, you can only apply around 12 o’clock in China. There are two options for you to choose from when applying for free space .
Plan 1:
This plan has 1G disk space, 8 FTP accounts, 8 mySQL databases, and 8 PostgreSQL databases.
Plan 2:
This plan has 2G disk space, 2 FTP accounts, 2 mySQL databases, and 2 PostgreSQL databases.

Application address: http://www.bplaced.net/?location=register
Hao VPS applied for a plan and a space. After applying for the space, you can upload web pages, add databases, bind meters and other operations, but it does not take effect immediately. When it does not take effect, it opens the AD of a space provider. It will take about 1,2 hours or more for the website to take effect. When you log in to the FTP management, you can see three folders: "filemanager, MySQLadmin, and PgSQLadmin". Regardless of this, the web page files are transferred to the root directory, not to these three folders. Multiple FTPs can be opened in the space. Account, the ftp account can be assigned to a specific one and can be distributed to manage different websites.
You can use the "CNAME" record to bind a domain name. The host address is your subdomain name, such as: zrblog.bplaced.net. You can also parse the A record: This space can bind a total of 10 domain names, and can also add domain names to any directory, which means that 10 different websites can be created.
Demonstration site: http://zrblog.bplaced.net/
Since there is no extra top rice, the rice tying demonstration was not done.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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