Jinguang Forum is a free resource forum started in 2001. This forum provides space for a total of 5 servers, Free1-Free5, but the Free2 space will be closed when it expires. Free3 is an ASP space, and Free4 needs to post for review and application, so today we are mainly discussing the Free1 and Free5 spaces.
The space parameters provided by Free1 and Free5 are the same, with four levels ranging from 100MB to 1.2GB. The difference is that Free1 space supports zend, while Free5 does not support it. Next, we will introduce the parameters of the space:
The space provided by Free1 and Free5 is divided into four levels ABCD.

Space plan type Type A Mini Type BSmall Type C Starter D typeAdvanced
total space size 100M 400M 800M 1200M
site traffic 1G 4G 10G 20G
Number of domain name bindings 1 2 3 5
Number of FTP accounts 1 2 3 5
Number of MySQL databases 1 2 3 5

The above spaces are all opened independently by the direct forum without review. The application and use of space are linked to forum gold coins. The number of gold coins required to apply for space is also different. ABCD space requires gold coins to apply respectively. The monthly renewal fee is the same as the gold coins required for application. In fact, compared with the points of Yijia Forum, this gold coin is quite easy. There will be 1 gold coin for signing in every day, 1 gold coin for replying to posts (there is a daily limit of 10 gold coins), and 3 gold coins for posting... You can directly go to the homepage of Jinguang Forum . Each server has a site demonstration. The forum adopts an invitation registration system. Friends who need to register can contact me to obtain the invitation code.
Jinguang Forum address: http://bbs.jgwy.net/

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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