Z.COM is a brand under GMO. It is really awesome to have such a good domain name. It provides virtual hosting, VPS and domain name registration, etc. Register now and get 1,000 yen for free. The lowest monthly Cloud host payment is only 900 yen, and it also supports hourly billing. The website is in Chinese language and also supports Alipay payment, which is very convenient. However, it needs to be reminded that to obtain the free first-time cloud host purchase, users still need to recharge at least 500 yen (equivalent to 26 yuan) before opening a host.


Let’s take the lowest cloud host as an example to share its configuration information.

CPU: 2 cores

Memory: 1GB

Hard drive: 50GB SSD

Monthly traffic: 2 TB

Virtual architecture: KVM

IP/Panel: 1IPv4/custom panel

Click to register via referral chain →

Z.COMRegistration is very simple, just enter your email and password twice. After the registration is completed, go to the complete account information, verify the mobile phone and get 1,000 yen as a coupon. Method (Z.COM and Conoha are both owned by GMO, and the backend is basically the same). Note that when filling in the mobile phone number, you can just write the Chinese mobile phone number. If not, add 0086 or the like. You will receive an English call from the United States and Canada, which roughly means asking you to enter the verification code on the web page. After he finishes speaking, enter the verification code on the web page to complete the activation. It is very simple. Z.COM’s Vietnam and Myanmar nodes are also under preparation. It is said that if you register through the referral link, you can get an extra 1,000 yen, which is equivalent to 2,000 yen in the account. You can try it. If you don’t want to register through the referral link, their domain name is also very simple and straightforward. Just enter it in the browser.


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