Minus is a newly launched free external link photo album. It is said to have started on October 13, 2010, but it has developed rapidly because Minus is really easy to use. You can upload pictures without registering as a member (single The size of the picture is within 7M (supports GIF, JPEG, PNG, APNG, BMP formats). Just drag your picture to the Minus web page and it will automatically start uploading. Up to 50 pictures can be dragged and uploaded at a time. These 50 pictures can Form a photo album for easy sharing with your friends. It can be saved permanently without violating the terms of service. In addition, it supports external links overseas.
Album address: http://min.us
Minus supports all major browsers, but it is recommended to use Chrome, Safari and Firefox 3.6 or above, you will get a better experience .
Picture external link demonstration:
Minus picture external link demonstration

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