IDC668 is a Chinese IDC. The domain name has been registered since April 2013. The main website is located in Jing'an, China. It provides VPS products based on the XEN architecture Xensystem system, focusing on Hong Kong and domestic computer rooms. Among them, Hong Kong VPS is located in the pangnet computer room. The price is good, starting from only 50 yuan per month.
Let's take a xen512 that costs 50 yuan per month as an example. Its configuration information is as follows.

CPU: 2 cores
Memory: 512MB
Hard disk: 30 GB
Monthly traffic: Unlimited (2M)
1 IP/Xensystem

Test IP:
[Official website]
IDC668The website is a typical domestic IDC interface, all Packages can be purchased directly without a discount code and use the Xensystem management panel. All packages support Windows or Linux systems. The hosting provider also provides Hong Kong independent servers, domestic VPS, etc. Domestic products require registration. The newer IDC does not have much information. Readers who have used it before are welcome to provide feedback.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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