KiloServe is an American VPS hosting provider that provides OpenVZ, XEN and KVM products in the Los Angeles data center. KiloServe always comes up with some special digital packages. For example, it has previously issued an annual VPS of US$36.5 with 365MB of memory and so on. Today, I found that the XEN777 package of US$7 per month by the host provider is still in stock, so I would like to share it with you.
This XEN777 package data center is located in Los Angeles , based on the XEN PV architecture, with a monthly payment of US$7.

CPU: 4 cores
Memory: 777MB
Hard drive: 21GB
Monthly traffic: 777GB
1 IP/SolusVM

[Purchase link]
If you pay annually, this VPS is only $5.95*12=$71.4/year, official A test IP is provided:, and the ping value is very impressive. In addition, some OpenVZ and KVM are also available from the host provider. Friends who need them can pay attention.
Finally, I would like to report an unrelated piece of news: Since this morning, this blog has been under CC attack. I would like to advise those who are worried about it, stop being so fucking boring, okay? !

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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