Good VPS has built several small sites, but it has never been noticed by google. Of course, it may be that the perseverance is not enough, haha. Except for one Hubei forum that is not 0, the others have basically not broken through yet. Although PR is not what I pursue, I occasionally look at it out of boredom and find some that can predict PR online. I think it is quite interesting, so I sorted it out and released it for everyone to play with. I just don’t know if it’s accurate.
Google’s PR update cycle is basically about 3 months. It will not change much unless there are any special circumstances. Of course, the website PR prediction can also reflect some problems. You can use the PR online prediction tool to predict the PR value of the website. .
  1. Domestic PR prediction website
   is more accurate Domestic online PR prediction query tool website, open the web page, select the button of PR prediction, enter the website address, and press the check button to enter the query.
  2. Foreign PR prediction webpage.
  A foreign PR budget website, many domestic friends It is a PR prediction query website that calculates very accurately.
  Open the web page, enter the address of your website in the box behind (Sub) or Domain name: and press the PR prediction button to enter the query. You have to wait for a few seconds during the query process, and you will get A few apples and flowers and numerical values. The numerical values ​​here are the calculated PR estimates.
  3. PPR update reminder service
  PR update reminder is a service that reminds you when a PR update is detected. There are many such sites, of course most of them are For foreign countries, it is in English and requires registration, which is very troublesome. I recommend this one, URL:, which predicts PR and also reminds you of updates.
I used a tool to predict that my tribe has been open for about a month. I predict that the PR of the next update may be 2~3, so I will continue to update and wait and see.

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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