Sandan's free space , I believe everyone knows that this Wudan, let me call it a copycat version of Sandan, haha! Because Sandan’s reputation in China is still good and has been stable for several years, but for Wudan, it seems that the domain name has only been registered for a month, and it has only been registered for one year! Okay, let’s take a look at the parameters!
Space size: 1.2GB
Monthly traffic: 12GB
Subdomain/additional domain/suspended domain name: 5 each
FTP account: 5
MySQL account: 5
Electronic Email accounts: 12
Space registration address:
I won’t go into details about the registration process of this space, it is similar to that of ordinary American spaces. La, but it is worth noting that you must first register a user in the forum, because you need to fill in your user name and password in the forum later! In addition, this website also provides another more powerful space that needs to be posted, but I have not tried it or applied for it.
Demo address:
Space application needs to be reviewed, but the waiting time is not long. For good VPS, you can apply for it at about 8:30 in the morning. , I checked my mailbox at 13:30 in the afternoon and received the email that the space was successfully created!
Maybe it’s because of the newly opened space, but the current running speed is very good. I haven’t done a rice binding demonstration anymore. You can apply to play on your own. If you do it seriously, be sure to back up! After all, no one knows what this newly opened one is like!

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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