What I introduce to you today is a domestic VPS (cloud host), which is provided by Iceberg Internet . Free VPS includes PHP cloud host of Linux system and hang-up of winXP system. precious.
Bingshan Internet Introduction:
Bingshan Internet is an IDC brand launched by Sichuan Wangju Times Company in 2006. Its products include virtual hosts, servers, VPS, bandwidth rental, corporate website construction, Network promotion, domain name registration, industry solutions, industry software development, system integration and other various telecommunications value-added services and other projects. I've seen their product page, and it's relatively affordable overall. They also provide U.S. space without filing, which is quite comprehensive. In fact, the VPS they charge is also very cheap, and they also charge 1 yuan a day, hehe. However, the focus of my introduction today is Free VPS . Let’s take a look at the parameters of Free VPS .
Free cloud host introduction:
Bingshan Internet’s free cloud host parameters are 128MB memory, 2GB hard disk space, linux cloud host Apache+PHP+MySQL+Zend, and windows cloud host is a pure winXP system. The free cloud hosting computer room is in China, so the speed is still very good. Linux cloud host supports adding 3 domain names. However, considering the national conditions, the added domain names must be registered. . . Unregistered domain names will be deleted if added. The win host is really just a hang-up treasure, a pure XP with nothing. Moreover, it is very difficult to run XP on this VPS. I applied for one and it took about half an hour to install QQ2010SP3. It seems to test our patience. Woolen cloth!
Free cloud hosting application:
This VPS application is relatively easy, not difficult at all. First, we go to the official website (http://www.icelit.com/) to register an account. As for how to register an account, I don’t need to tell you, right? Domestic space, Chinese, hehe.
Then, we log in from this page: http://cs.icelit.com/cp/index.php?info=1. After logging in, click Buy Cloud Host, and you will see the free PHP cloud host and free on-hook treasure, these two are what we want! However, because this free resource is so popular, most of the time there is a reminder that the quota is full. What should I do? Find a good VPS entrance on the Internet, and you can often apply for it even when the quota is full. Here we provide it to everyone: Free PHP cloud host click to go directly     Click to go directly to the free windows cloud host   Fill in some information and click Apply Now.
Then enter a new page, see the introduction of this cloud host, select the server, and then use the recommendation code (my recommendation code: ICELIT00008WM0RLTSU-20110212   Valid until: 2011-02-12, ICELIT00008YCZ2M5U6-20110213), Regarding the recommendation code, you can read the official page introduction: http://www.icelit.com/page/vps/incode.php. After final confirmation, the application is successful.
Free cloud host renewal:
This free cloud host is not just a matter of applying. Once you apply, you will find that the usage time is only 1 day, OH, My GOd! Is it just a free trial for 1 day? No, the official provides a renewal method. Renewal is also free, that is, using a recommendation code. The official also makes it very clear about this. I will just give a general description, that is, if you use someone else’s recommendation code to renew, every time 1 day. The day after you apply for the cloud host yourself, you can also get a referral code and provide it to others. Others who register through your referral code can renew it for 7 days. Others who use your referral code to renew once will extend it for you. 2 days. However, the upper limit of a recommendation code is 30 days. If you renew it yourself, you must renew it three days before expiration. You cannot renew it at any time~ It’s very troublesome, right? In fact, you will understand once you apply. I will continue to provide recommendation codes to everyone on this page of the blog, and I also hope that everyone can reply with their own recommendation codes. It will not only facilitate others, but also facilitate yourself, killing two birds with one stone. Haha
Let’s show a demonstration and let everyone try the speed: http://www.hb-world.cn 
Bingshan Internet Free Cloud Host Recommendation Code: (Please pay attention to the format of the recommendation code. The last one is the validity period. Recommendation codes that exceed the validity period, There is no need to use it)
My recommendation code: ICELIT00008YCZ2M5U6-20110213
Network collection recommendation code:
ICEF REE0007XQ6G5U5C-20110115

Hong Kong/United States/Domestic High Speed ​​VPS


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